Monday, October 17, 2016

Election Fraud? Prove it, Mr Trump.

Dear Mr Trump or should I say Rotten Donald?

In a recent tweet, you alleged: “The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary – but also at many polling places – SAD.”

Typically, you have not substantiated your claim in any way whatsoever, so let me raise some questions for you. First, do you really believe there will be systemic voting fraud on November 8th? Are you truly saying this supposed fraud will be widespread throughout all American cities and states? If so, is the fraud campaign led and financed on behalf of Mrs Clinton? If your answer is “yes,” then you have to prove it. After all, you would be suggesting a conspiracy of massive proportions, so easy to prove.

Second, fraud in the administration of elections and voter registration has to be multifaceted. Has there been bullying, such as threats of future tax investigations? Will there be civil disorder and intimidation, where Clinton people have used or will use violence to scare voters? What about illegal voting methods including “ghosting”, where names appeared on the electoral roll even though such persons were ineligible to vote? Do you allege the Democrats are engaging in “repeating”, “personation” and “endless chain”, where voters falsely register themselves to vote, or where they vote more than once, using of false names and impersonating others? Maybe you suggest voters are bribed to vote more than once? Just say what you think is happening.

Third, do you say the election boards, which are state administered agencies, are crooked? If so, which states are involved? How do you know? Does the allegation apply to election judges? If so, how to Republican and Independent judges get hoodwinked by Democratic judges? Do the latter collude with Clinton operatives to alter ballot papers or engage in “ballot-box stuffing”, namely replacing completed boxes with ones already prepared? Are you saying there will be false counting of votes and false certification of results?

Mr Trump, it’s very easy to throw out allegations of fraud but if you don’t back those allegations with anything, how do you expect anyone to believe you? Do you not know that Presidential elections are administered state by state, where rules and processes differ from one state to another? Do you not realise it is for each state to choose the type of voting machine, the design of the ballot paper itself and to enforce that state’s election laws?

If your theory of a fraudulent election had any merit, there would have to be a conspiracy of thousands of people. I challenge you to name two such people in any of the 50 states.

In the past, there have been Presidential election frauds. In 2000, the fraud was committed not just in Florida where Jeb Bush used all sorts of methods to ensure that state’s Electoral College votes went to his big brother but also in D.C where the Supreme Court’s ruling was plain wrong. Why else did the Court express the decision could not serve as a precedent?

Forty years earlier, John Kennedy’s father stole Illinois’ Electoral College votes for his son, securing the win. Richard Nixon was urged strongly by Republican Party leaders to challenge the Illinois result but he rejected the advice. “I won’t put the country in turmoil for weeks on end.”

It’s a pity that you, Mr Trump don’t know your history. The nation comes before personal interests. Mind you, the words, “it’s a pity” seem to apply to so many things for which you stand.        

Faithfully, Dr John Matlin.

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