Saturday, May 14, 2016

Who Will Be Hilary's Choice for VP?

Many readers told me they enjoyed the last blog and suggested I write about Mrs Clinton’s future. So, out came the crystal ball. It is the 24th July, 2016. Hilary has just arrived at her suite in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Philadelphia, to be greeted by her husband who arrived the day before. They both ask ‘for the room’ and the advisers and gofers leave.

BC:         Good trip?

HC:         I don’t remember. Where am I?

BC:         Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.

HC:       Well, that’s got to change. We just can’t have discrimination in the city where I am nominated. We need to tell the Convention that Philly is the city of sisterly and brotherly love.

BC:       As your first act as leader of the Party, this is what you’re going to do? And when you get back to D.C., are you going to sign an executive order to change the name of the Washington Redskins to the D.C. Native Americans?

HC:       You have a point. But it drives me crazy.

BC:       Get used to it. Once you’re in the White House, everyone and everything will drive you crazy. Now, we need to talk. The leadership has been pressurizing me to get a decision from you. They need to know your pick for Veep.

HC:         I know. I know. I’d like to tell them it’s Sarah Palin.

BC:         (Laughing) Not George W? Seriously, Hilary, they need to know.

HC:         What did you tell them?

BC:         That it was a big decision based on a single criteria, ‘what if I die.’

HC:        You told them that and they swallowed it? We both know it’s about visibility. I don’t need a visible VP.

BC:        True but that’s between us. Truman was the worst prepared and least visible VP but he did a great job.

HC:         Oh, we know about you and Harry S. Let’s have a drink and see who’s a possibility.

                [There is a pause as they drink bourbon and branch.]

BC:         So, who is on your short list?

HC:       In a perfect world, Dianne Feinstein would be top. She’ll bring California with her, she’s savvy and a great speaker and she knows the Hill as well as anyone.

BC:         But?

HC:       She’s a woman. Well, she was the last time I looked. I don’t think America is ready to have females in the POTUS and VICE POTUS seats. So that rules out Amy Klobushar too. I have to have a man in Blair House. Al Gore might be a good choice. He was okay for you. He’s part of the leadership. It would be popular.

BC:        No way can you offer it to Al. He got pretty defensive with that impeachment business. If he’d let me campaign for him in 2000, he’d have made it to the White House. He has no political antenna.

HC:       I guess you’re right. He’s too pompous for me, too old and he’s part of the political elite. Can’t have that.

BC:        Unlike the Clintons who are not the political elite?

HC:        Oh, shut up. We’re not a dynasty like the Gores. Well, not until Chelsea gets going. I thought about Beau Biden.

BC:         Not a good idea.

HC:         Why not?

BC:         Well, he’s from a small state, he has a superb record which might make yours look even more tarnished but most relevant, Beau died last year.

HC:         He did? My memory. Okay, that one won’t run. Maybe Martin O’Malley?

BC:        What does he bring to the ticket? Maryland! He’s out of office now. I have to say he would not be my choice.

HC:        There’s John Hickenlooper. He’d bring Colorado. And I just love that name, Vice President Hickenlooper.

BC:         You are kidding.

HC:         I could go for Wes Clark. He’d be popular.

BC:         Why not Warren Buffet? They’re about the same age.

HC:         Okay, smarty pants, who is your choice?

BC:         Me, of course. If you died, the take-over would be seamless. I did the job for eight years. I’m popular, charming, a great campaigner and the country would get two presidents for the price of one.

HC:       Two. You get paid as VP. You are not a constitutional lawyer, Bill. You’d better read the 22nd Amendment. A President can’t serve more than two terms.

BC:       The 22nd says nothing about the Vice President. You want to throw law at me? Then take a look at what the country’s foremost constitutional lawyer, Lawrence Tribe, has to say. Nothing in the Constitution prevents me from becoming VP and if you die or go gaga, I could take over. Are you going gaga?

HC:         No I’m not and I don’t want you as my VP. Just forget it.

BC:         Then how about putting me on the Supreme Court? There is a vacancy.

HC:       I kinda promised it to Barack as he’s been a real help recently. We need another African American on the bench.

BC:         I’m hurt, Hilary. So what will be my job?

HC:         You’ll be the First Man. You’ll have fun like I did for eight years.



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