Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mississippi Burning Revisited

This blog was intended to celebrate the passing of the Civil Rights Act, fifty years ago. However, the murder of three Israeli boys, Gilad Shaer and Naftali Fraenkel, both 16 and Eyal Yifrah, 19, brings to mind a shocking event in 1964, three weeks before the passing of the Civil Rights Act.
In the early 1960s Mississippi, like most of the South, was in defiance of federal authority concerning black civil rights. The National Guard was called upon frequently to quell civil disturbance. Supreme Court rulings, particularly Brown v Board of Education, Topeka,  had infuriated the white establishment which responded with bombings, murders, vandalism, and intimidation. Mississippi was no stranger to such outrages.
The establishment of the Freedom Riders, blacks and whites alike, usually from the northern United States, challenged the segregation laws and voting rights imbalances in the South and supporting the black underclass in its demand for change. Among the Freedom Riders were three young men, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andy Goodman, who in June, 1964, headed for Mississippi.
The White Knights, a splinter group of the Mississippi Ku Klux Klan, militaristically prepared for the anticipated Freedom Rider invasion. Media reports overstated the number of youths coming to Mississippi to set up voting registration drives. The reports influenced many white Mississippians who joined the White Knights. More belligerent than other KKK groups, the White Knights had a following of nearly 10,000.
On Memorial Day, 1964, Schwerner and Chaney spoke to the congregation at Mount Zion Methodist Church in Longdale, Mississippi; they talked of setting up a Freedom School and a voting drive in Neshoba County. The White Knights learned of the event and plotted to hinder the work and destroy efforts to help the black community. The White Knights beat the congregation members and then torched the church, burning it to the ground.
On June 21, 1964, Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner drove to Longdale, Mississippi, to investigate the destruction of the Mount Zion Church. After visiting Longdale, they headed west on highway 16 to Philadelphia, planning to take the southbound Highway 19 to Meridian.
Their station wagon had barely passed the Philadelphia city limits when they were stopped. Chaney was arrested for driving 65 mph in a 35 mph zone; Goodman and Schwerner were held too. They were taken to the Neshoba County jail. There is no need to go into gory details. Suffice it to say that Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were shot, soon after their release from the jail. Their bodies were taken to a remote farm and buried.
Now, some fifty years later, three more young boys have been found murdered on the Israeli border. It seems they were abducted while hitch-hiking. Whilst Hamas has not claimed responsibility for the atrocity, it has praised the kidnappers. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has accused Hamas, the Palestine Islamist group, of the murders. Israel has bombed Gaza. Palestine now holds its breath as more Israeli reprisals are expected.  As yet, the collateral damage, a euphemism for innocent civilian casualties, is not known.
Why are young men, whether American or Israeli, pawns in a larger game? How can white supremacists fifty years ago or Palestinian “freedom fighters”, otherwise known as thugs, possibly justify the abduction and murder of young people as a proper way of advancing a cause? And how is further killing in the name of reprisal warranted.
Both killings, albeit fifty years apart, are appalling and inexcusable. In the case of the Americans, guilty men were brought to justice, one as late as 2005. In the case of the Israelis, how many more innocent Palestinians will lose their lives in revenge attacks for the loss of three boys?

And so the self-defeating acts of reprisal against violence continue, creating to an intransigent history as violence begats violence. Will those who fight these fights ever learn that killing for peace is futile? They might as well proclaim the virtue of the sex act to preserve virginity!

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